Boat Fishing Popularity

In the past, boat fishing was done more for occupational reasons than as a hobby. People relied on this activity to make a living. However, the industry has changed dramatically in recent years. So too has the affordability of boats. Today many fishermen enjoy going out on the water for the sheer fun of it.

People do not even need to own a boat to engage in deep-sea fishing. Publications such as Sky News have reported the recent shifts in professional fishing. Many former fishermen have noticed that working in the tourism trade is more profitable. They charge the public for trips out on the ocean. Therefore, one of the main reasons for the new popularity of boat fishing is the added convenience.

Modern life can sometimes be very stressful. This is especially true for those who live in urban areas. They may want to take a break and enjoy some relaxation time. Boat fishing is ideal because it offers excitement in a serene environment. A lot of people feel a special connection with the sea. Casting off from a boat makes this feeling more intense compared to doing so on the shore.

Fishing Tools

It is common for people to set off in boats in order to enjoy deep sea fishing. This is often considered better than coastal fishing due to the larger species available to catch. There may also be a greater quantity of fish available.

Before the person starts their trip, they should pack the right gear. A successful ocean fishing adventure requires several different tools. The most obvious one is the rod itself. Big game stand-up types are very popular. However, if the person is more interested in trawling, then boat rods will be ideal instead.

Over the years, there has been much debate about sea fishing laws. Websites such as the Guardian have analysed arguments from both sides. Some believe there should be a limit to the amount of fish caught. Others wish for a greater level of freedom. Regardless of the opinion of the fisherman, they should have a GPS tracker and internet device on them. That way, they can read up on the fishing laws in the body of water they cast off in.

The right lures will largely depend on the species the person is seeking out. It is best to go for something that imitates the prey of the fish. One common mistake is to assume that all lines are the same. In reality, some are designed for specific types of fish. Those seeking out big game will need solid lines so that they do not end up breaking while reeling the catch in.

Boat Eras

While many boats from history look pretty similar in design, there are subtle differences between them. In order to better understand this, it is helpful to look at the specific eras of vessels. Scientists believe that the oldest intact shipwreck is around 2,400 years old. However, human beings utilised these vehicles for far longer in the distant past. The first sailing boats are believed to have been created by the ancient Egyptians. After a couple of thousand years, these people built larger wooden boats capable of travelling across distant oceans.

Around 1550 BC, the Phoenicians created man-powered ships which were used for both trade and conflict. Rudders were featured on the early boats of Ancient China. However, one of the most significant developments was in the 15th century with the creation of three-masted vessels. These were popular with explorers for many centuries.

In 1660, King Charles II popularised yachts for ocean travel. A century and a half later, clipper ships were built with slimmer and longer hulls. The 19th century was one of the most significant eras for shipping. This is because technological advancement was achieved at an incredible speed.

Role of Wars

For centuries, human beings have raged war at sea. To gain the upper hand, each side would need to develop the most efficient vessels possible. Because of this, the advancement of boats can be primarily attributed to warfare.

People interested in the history of naval combat will find that the BBC website is a valuable online resource. Different boat types were created for different scenarios. For example, the Vikings were famous for their longships. These vessels took them across vast oceans quickly so that they could pillage neighbouring island nations.

In other wars, the factions were focused on bringing back as much bounty as possible. There also needed to be enough room for all of the crew members. Because of this, schooner type warships were created. These ships would often contain heavy cannons. Engineers had to come up with ways to hold more weight and keep the boats balanced.

During the First World War, there was a push to armour boats with metal casings. This has been a key trend ever since. When planes took over as a dominant element of combat, boats began to serve as aircraft carriers.

Surviving Sinking

Even with careful safety planning, unpredictable situations can arise. A worst-case scenario is being forced to exit the vessel. However, jumping into the water itself is dangerous as the person’s chances of survival severely diminish. Instead, it is much better to get into a life raft.

The Titanic is by far the most famous example of a high profile boat sinking. Today the wreck has protected status. The story of this tragedy highlights the importance of sufficient lifeboats. The majority of survivors all chose to enter these vessels instead of braving the cold water.

While waiting to be rescued, it is essential to be aware of heatstroke and sunburn. The website Wikipedia has plenty of information on how to prevent and treat these conditions. Most rafts have a cover for passengers to stay under so that their skin is not exposed. Symptoms of heatstroke can include a high temperature, headache, nausea, fast heartbeat and a confused mental state. Staying cool and drinking cold fresh water will help to fight off the effects of it.

Modern rafts are sometimes equipped with sea anchors, which are utilised for stabilisation. This is also useful as the vessel will drift away slowly, keeping it closer to the sunken ship when the emergency services look for survivors. On the other hand, if authorities have not been informed, it may be better to drift and seek out land. If so, the anchor will need to be pulled up.

It is never a good idea to drink saltwater. Instead, the person should ration their available fresh water. One of the biggest dangers is dehydration. Consequently, sinking survivors have to monitor their fluid intake regularly.

Why Boats Sink

Modern boats are designed to float on top of the water effectively. A great deal of engineering expertise has gone into making them as seaworthy as possible. Despite this, there are numerous factors that can lead to vessels sinking. It is inevitable for some water to get into the ship from time to time. Large waves may break over the sides, or minor leaks can occur. The fluid usually manages to get to the lowest part of the boat. This is called the bilge. Luckily, the majority of vessels contain bilge pumps which push water out when a certain amount accumulates.

There are plenty of news stories each year about boating incidents. A surprising number of these occur while at the dock. Unless the owner lives on the ship, it will not be a life-threatening situation. However, sinking becomes much more dangerous while out in the open water. There is a wide range of possible reasons for this to happen.

The rear of the ship contains a flat vertical surface known as a transom. Motors are sometimes attached to it. Transoms should be high enough so that they do not take on water. Unfortunately, design flaws may lead to it being far too low. Also, when the boat has improper weight distribution, waves could start to go over the transom and flood the deck.

The front is higher than the rear while travelling at sea. Any water collected from splashing waves should be drained with the use of watertight plugs. These devices are essential to have on board. Sometimes captains neglect to stop the plugs from draining when the boat comes to a rest. Vessels that have stopped moving can sink lower and take on even more water through their plugs. It is possible for the entire ship to go down for this reason.

A considerable amount of water is pumped through boat engine systems in order to keep them cool. Hoses need to be watertight. If not, they can burst fluid which will collect in the bilge. The hose fittings are vulnerable to corrosion and split over time. The best way to prevent this is by replacing the parts that look suspect. Proper maintenance and regular vigilance can end up saving lives.

Boat Safety

Boating is an enjoyable hobby that allows people to travel across large expanses of open water. Despite being rewarding, it also has numerous dangers to be aware of. If the boat captain and passengers are prepared, they will maximise their safety.

Even though the boat is surrounded by water, it is possible for fires to start on board. Once the fire begins to spread, it can have devastating consequences. Therefore it is essential to have a working extinguisher on board. It is surprising how prevalent carbon monoxide poisoning is at sea. This tends to be the result of exhaust fumes from generators or issues with stoves that use solid fuel.

Emergencies sometimes occur in remote locations. Portable communication tools are the key to contacting emergency services. If the authorities can be called out swiftly, it significantly increases the chances of survival. In extreme cases, the person might need to jump into the water. Wearing a high quality life jacket will help to prevent drowning. Flotation devices have saved a lot of lives over the years.

Before setting out on a voyage at sea, the owner of the boat needs to perform a range of safety tasks. Smoke and CO2 detectors should be fitted so that the people on board are alerted early. It is wise to create a fire action plan and train all of the passengers. When changing gas cylinders or refuelling, extreme caution needs to be undertaken. If canisters are stored the right way, then leaks will safely flow overboard instead of into cabins.

It is possible for sparks to be created from damaged strands in fuse boxes and battery terminals. The best way to stop this is by checking connections regularly. While performing repairs, it is common for paint, adhesives and spirit products to be utilised. These are hazardous if the space is not well ventilated.

Some people make the mistake of leaving the solid fuel stove lit when they exit the boat. This has in the past led to fires breaking out. Other incidents have occurred due to passengers placing fabric and paper near wood-burning stoves. The key is to recognise these boat dangers and avoid them.

Navigation is also important. Being aware of the exact position of the boat is vital when calling the emergency services. Luckily most modern boats are fitted with GPS tech. This should be fully charged while at sea.