Why Boats Sink
Modern boats are designed to float on top of the water effectively. A great deal of engineering expertise has gone into making them as seaworthy as possible. Despite this, there are numerous factors that can lead to vessels sinking. It is inevitable for some water to get into the ship from time to time. Large waves may break over the sides, or minor leaks can occur. The fluid usually manages to get to the lowest part of the boat. This is called the bilge. Luckily, the majority of vessels contain bilge pumps which push water out when a certain amount accumulates.
There are plenty of news stories each year about boating incidents. A surprising number of these occur while at the dock. Unless the owner lives on the ship, it will not be a life-threatening situation. However, sinking becomes much more dangerous while out in the open water. There is a wide range of possible reasons for this to happen.
The rear of the ship contains a flat vertical surface known as a transom. Motors are sometimes attached to it. Transoms should be high enough so that they do not take on water. Unfortunately, design flaws may lead to it being far too low. Also, when the boat has improper weight distribution, waves could start to go over the transom and flood the deck.
The front is higher than the rear while travelling at sea. Any water collected from splashing waves should be drained with the use of watertight plugs. These devices are essential to have on board. Sometimes captains neglect to stop the plugs from draining when the boat comes to a rest. Vessels that have stopped moving can sink lower and take on even more water through their plugs. It is possible for the entire ship to go down for this reason.
A considerable amount of water is pumped through boat engine systems in order to keep them cool. Hoses need to be watertight. If not, they can burst fluid which will collect in the bilge. The hose fittings are vulnerable to corrosion and split over time. The best way to prevent this is by replacing the parts that look suspect. Proper maintenance and regular vigilance can end up saving lives.
By charlie
- 28, Oct, 2022